Maybe you’re one of those people who live life in the fast lane.
I’m only good for about ten minute miles, myself. But if you’re willing to slow yourself down to my pace, I think I’ve got something for you.
Here’s what Glen wrote about our inaugural jogging tour:
Definitely take in one of Rich’s hiking or running tours of Juarez. I did a 6M tour starting in El Paso, paid 50 cents to run across the bridge into Juarez. Ran by a number of landmarks including the Juarez bullring, a rundown movie house, Benito Juarez plaza / statue, the public market and a host of restaurants and bars. Stopped in a club to watch men play three ball bank pool. On our way out we popped into a venue with a wrestling ring. They were rehearsing for a Mexican wrestling match. So wish we could have stayed a few extra nights. Ate some authentic Mexican tacos. Then paid 40 pesos to run back across back the bridge. What an adventure!
Juarez Jogging Tours are a little faster pace than our walking tours, so we miss a little of the detail but we make up for it in scope.
Running for three hours tests the limits of my abilities, so we’re likely to roost in a few different watering holes. Fortunately, downtown Juarez has lots of cantinas.
Give me a call at 915.820.1628, or shoot me an email at, and let’s see if we can work up a jogging tour for you.